Fuel System Clean

This TSB outlines the steps involved in performing the Bluechem Fuel System Clean Service (FSC). Following these steps will help minimize issues and chances for failures.
- Connect exhaust hose to the tail pipe(s).
- Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature to ensure catalytic converter and the O2 sensor are hot (prevent clogging and fouling of the 02 sensor). Turn off engine once engine is hot
- Disconnect fuel pump at connector or by removing applicable fuse (refer to OEM procedure) and remove gas cap with engine off
- Start vehicle and run until engine it stalls
- Identify appropriate fuel line connector and connect tool to vehicle fuel supply line
- Pour 600mL of Bluechem Fuel System Cleaner into canister and hang the tool from the vehicle hood latch.
- Ensure the chemical release valve is in a closed position and connect the canister line to the fuel supply connector
- Attach the air line to the tool and set the air pressure by turning the pressure regulator clockwise. Set the pressure between 40 – 60 PSI. Do not operate below 40 PSI. Always refer to OEM repair manual to confirm appropriate fuel pressure setting
- Once all fitting and connectors are attached, open release valves
- Start the vehicle and raise the RPM to 2500, keeping the RPM consistent. Do not leave vehicle unattended.
- Once the cleaner circulation is complete, the engine will stall. Turn key to off position and disconnect tool fittings
- Re-attach factory fuel line connection and re-install fuse pump fuse or connecter, re-install gas cap
- Re-start the engine, let idle. Check for any leaks and check for and clear codes if any are found. Road test the vehicle and report
Recommended Service Duration
600ml in canister & 300ml in tank 30 minutesBack